Courageous Accountants

Helping accountants and finance professionals reconnect soul and role

Why accountants need support

A career in accountancy and finance can be high pressured, stressful and unrelenting. Deadlines must be met and standards cannot slip. It’s easy to find yourself working 60-hour weeks, spending little time with family and friends and letting your physical and mental health slide. This can leave you feeling exhausted and burnt out.

I’ve worked in finance for 20 years and have found that it can be dehumanising, with the emotions, creativity and soul of the person in the role often overlooked. But it doesn’t have to be like that.

Step forward courageously

Become a Courageous Accountant and you’ll join a soulful, invigorating community that will reignite your enthusiasm for your career and life.

I can help you find meaning and purpose in your career, explore opportunities and find the path that’s right for you using tried and tested Courage & Renewal techniques.

I will:

• Invite you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself through poetry, stories, images, music and myth.

• Provide a safe space where you can express yourself freely, without fear of judgement or repercussion.

• Welcome you into a supportive community of like-minded finance professionals, ready to help one another walk their soul’s path courageously. 

How I do this

Join a Courageous Accountants Retreat, either at one of our stunning retreat centres or online, to experience the full support of the Courage & Renewal community.
These one-to-one sessions will help you work through questions and life choices with the guidance of a fully-qualified Courage & Renewal Facilitator.

Not sure which option is right for you?

As finance professionals, we often feel the need to choose correctly, but there is no ‘right’ choice here, only what’s right for you right now. If you need help to decide, or just want to know more, let’s have a call and a no-obligation chat over a cuppa.