I stumbled across this poem by Wendell Berry earlier whilst looking for other poems on the subject of Listening.

It speaks to much of what I am reflecting on currently, especially as we approach the first days of Winter, the darkest and “oldest season” (as sung by Carrie Newcomer).

So here it is…

To Know the Dark

—Wendell Berry

To go in the dark with a light is to know the light.

To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight,

and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings,

and is travelled by dark feet and dark wings.

Going “without sight” is something I have learned to embrace these past years.

I suppose that is why poems like this are so helpful, they shift my perception.

And having spent many a dark hour before the dawn this year, I have felt the presence of something beautiful singing out there in the depths.  

I hope you find something helpful in Wendell Berry’s words too.

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